Saturday, May 06, 2006


Are we teaching our children what is really important in their Christian walk?
The weekend after Homecoming, I headed to Kansas City, Missouri, with six students. We were going to represent Oklahoma Christian at "Leadership Training for Christ" (LTC). Although, most of you will probably not have heard of LTC before, unless you read the Banks' reports from Tallinn, it is a HUGE deal with the C of C-ers around the good ol' Bible Belt.
From October through April, meeting, practices, and classes for Grades 1-12 are spent perfecting speaches, sermons, dramas, small or large group singing, memorizing verses, and getting down the trivia questions in order to complete with dozens of other kids in all these catagories. So the Kansas City Downtown Marriot Hotel was basically full of families, youth groups, and ministers attending the "Bible competition."
So with that brief explanation, you can probably see where I was seeing some huge red flags in this situation. I know there are benefits to "knowing" the Bible and learning how to present it in different ways. Yet, seeing the tears in lossing and cockiness in winning... where is the balance?
As I think about how I am going to continue in ministry in my life, and someday be a mom, how can I support this knowledge of scripture? But balance it with the fact that living every day for Christ and exemplifing those truths through our actions is truely the most important? How can we ensure that our churches are educating our kids of this as well?
Anyway, overall it was a fun weekend. Downtown KC is really amazing! Maybe I'll be able to go and be a tourist there someday, away from the weird antics of the Bible Belt.

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