Sunday, May 28, 2006

The Prayer of Faith- James 5:13-16

I sort of hate to write this blog for a few reasons. First of all, I am sad that events in my life have resulted in what I am about to tell you. Secondly, I don't want it to seem like I am looking for attention or loathing in self-pity. (Not that I don't appreciate your words of encouragement when you are moved to do so.) And thirdly, this blog thing is pretty impersonal sometimes, since anyone can read it. But I hope that if you are reading this and don't know this whole story, you will still pray and hopefully be encouraged by what I have to say. I do want to write it though, because if you have been around me in the last year and a half, I want tell you what is going on and it's hard to do that when I don't see you guys on a regular basis.
My Dad has decided already that he is going to remarry in August. This was not really a shock to me, but I had been praying that he would wait for a little while (which could have been years for me). I don't want to underestimate the power of prayer by not fervantly praying that this wedding doesn't happen at all, but there is more to the issue I think. I am convinced that the core of the issue is that we need to join forces and battle Satan's hold; the fact that his heart is hard to the truth of his lifestyle and what God sees as pure and right for him (and getting married isn't going to make everything "right"). This is the crux of my concern. I can't change the past and our answer to prayer may not be a stop to the wedding, but God can continue to work and I have to have faith that my Dad, who raised me and taught me what scripture says, will see one day that what he has convinced himself as "God's plan" is Satan's lie.
If you have been on "this journey" with me for the last year and a half or more, I am thankful that you are reading this. Many of you joined me in wonderful, moving, and powerful hours of prayer. You taught me more about community, prayer and honesty within the church than I have ever experienced in my life. I am asking you to join me as a prayer warrior for this situation as you go through your daily activities and devotional times.
I am far away, but if you will join me in this, please just leave me a "will do" comment. That would mean a lot to me. If you have other questions or thoughts, feel free to comment or email me.
Thank you for being wonderful friends! I love you all!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Conquered another US monster!

Well, it's been a crazy week. I've been meaning to write about this since Monday, but just haven't gotten to it. And for some reason my camera isn't allowing me to download my pictures, so you'll just have to imagine it.
Last weekend I conquered driving from Bakersfield, CA through LA to Malibu, back through LA (down Sunset to Rodeo Dr.) to Anaheim, then back to Bakersfield! This is my third major city in the last month or so. It was great! Yeah for Mapquest and Map Point.
Anyway, I went to Anaheim because I got to go to Game 2 of the Western Conference finals! This was my first NHL game! It was so exciting. The crowd wasn't that into it because Anaheim only scored once and ended up losing 3-1. But I got to see Pronger, Smyth, Smith, Roloson, Friesen, Getslaf, the Niedermyrs, Selanne, etc, etc, not to mention the amazingly classy Craig McTavish (not too bad looking for an old man!). It was amazing!!! Did I say that!??!
Due to some strong influences, I've been paying close attention to Edmonton all playoffs, especially after Ottawa let me down. I'm sure I'm not the only Canadian to jump on the Oilers' bandwaggon this year!!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Bush sending 6,000 National Guard to Mexican border

You can watch the video of his speech on as well.

Bush calls for 6,000 troops along border
In Oval Office speech, president backs legalization process

President Bush outlined Monday night what he termed a "comprehensive" approach to immigration that combines tougher border enforcement with a guest-worker program

Please let me know what you think about this!

An Alien in a Foreign Land

So today I wanted to go to A&W for lunch. I don't often have my own choice b/c I'm usually with someone else, so I decided to do something different. I have never been to A&W in Edmond mostly because I didn't even know there was one until I was pretty much done school here. So I went through the drive thru thinking about how much I wanted a MOZZA Burger!!
Little did I know, these were my only choices:
Deluxe Bacon Double Cheeseburger
Deluxe Double Cheeseburger
Deluxe Bacon Cheeseburger
Deluxe Cheeseburger
Deluxe Hamburger

I couldn't believe it!! I mean, I know this is a different country, but people it's North America! The land of choices!! (well, at least if you are an American) What happened to the family of A&W burgers!?!? I'm so disappointed!! Why did I move here again!? Someone better take me for a MOZZA Burger, or a TEEN burger, or a MOMMA Burger (you get the idea), when I come home in July!

Uncle Garnet would be appalled!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

The Age Old Debate- Art or Sin?

Most of you should know where I stand on this question, but for many in my fair state of O.K.L.A.H.O.M.A. (sing it!) this has been a hot topic, full of controversy, these last few weeks.
Click on this blog title and check it out! (Britt, if you read this, this is for you!)

Friday, May 12, 2006

You have to check this out!!!

You thought "Dance Dance Revolution" was amazing!

Just click this title and choose your appropriate player to watch the commercial!!!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Hurricane Katrina... 8 months later

I went to New Orleans to meet with Stan and the Western kids two weekends ago. After a day working on a house, we headed to Golfport, Mississippi, to the beach.
I just wanted to tell you a quick story about a man we met. Due to my delay in writing this, some of you may have heard this story already. logan and amy on the beach!

After a long day, Stan gathered everyone in a circle to debrief and share thoughts, feelings, and observations. I believe this is especially important to do with 16-20 year olds because seeing the devistation we did, it easily causes us to ask questions. As we were sharing, a man, probably in his late 40s, walked up and asked if he could join us if we were praying. He sat down between me and Cole Oberkirsch. Introductions were made and we found out he had first immigrated to Canada from Scotland as a child. He began to share his story with us. With a few days warning before the hurricane hit land, he decided it would be best to send his wife and 8 year old son north, to safer land. That night there was a heavy rain storm. His wife slid on the interstate head on into an 18-wheeler; both were killed instantly. Within that week, he lost his family and all of his material possesions. As shocking as his story was, he abruptly stopped and asked us, "So, do you guys know Saskatchewan?" "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!" was basically our unanimous response. Once we established that we were from Saskatchewan, he said, "Are any of you from Weyburn?" AGAIN, SERIOUSLY!! I explained to him that none of us were really from there, but there was about 7 of us in that circle who had grandparents that live there.
So, there were 25 people from Regina, a part of Western Christian College (which used to be in Weyburn while Simon was living there, by the way), on the beach in Wayland, Mississippi, praying with and over this man who had no one and nothing! (Who honestly could have played in the streets or been in the same elementary school as my dad, eric or sharon and tracy's moms, cole aunts or uncles, or logan's relatives!) A serious God moment!!!

Saturday, May 06, 2006


Are we teaching our children what is really important in their Christian walk?
The weekend after Homecoming, I headed to Kansas City, Missouri, with six students. We were going to represent Oklahoma Christian at "Leadership Training for Christ" (LTC). Although, most of you will probably not have heard of LTC before, unless you read the Banks' reports from Tallinn, it is a HUGE deal with the C of C-ers around the good ol' Bible Belt.
From October through April, meeting, practices, and classes for Grades 1-12 are spent perfecting speaches, sermons, dramas, small or large group singing, memorizing verses, and getting down the trivia questions in order to complete with dozens of other kids in all these catagories. So the Kansas City Downtown Marriot Hotel was basically full of families, youth groups, and ministers attending the "Bible competition."
So with that brief explanation, you can probably see where I was seeing some huge red flags in this situation. I know there are benefits to "knowing" the Bible and learning how to present it in different ways. Yet, seeing the tears in lossing and cockiness in winning... where is the balance?
As I think about how I am going to continue in ministry in my life, and someday be a mom, how can I support this knowledge of scripture? But balance it with the fact that living every day for Christ and exemplifing those truths through our actions is truely the most important? How can we ensure that our churches are educating our kids of this as well?
Anyway, overall it was a fun weekend. Downtown KC is really amazing! Maybe I'll be able to go and be a tourist there someday, away from the weird antics of the Bible Belt.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Longing for a Homeland (after Homecoming)

The title of this post is the title of Lynn Anderson's latest book. I just finished reading it a few weeks ago and it has caused me to reflect on a lot of things. The timing of reading it was an act of God, I'm sure. I had just gotten back to Oklahoma from a visit to Regina for Homecoming, packing a few more things, and closing a few "doors" in my life.
While I was home, I sat in church at WCC Sunday morning with an amazing collaboration of people; reunion attendees who had surely experienced a range of emotion over the weekend, currect WCC students or recent graduates who (in my opinion) have no idea what their friends will mean to them in 20 or 30 years and how crucial this time is, and Regina C of Cers not connected to WCC at all who I'm sure think that this WCC family is tight and a little twisted at times (probably feeling twangs of exclusion from that Western "experience").
As I sat there, I reflected on my "Regina life." Regina is the core of who I am! I have lived there for 3/4 of my lifetime. Yet, due to recent events, I couldn't help but to overcome emotions from feeling and experiencing loss: 1) I no longer have a physical home in Regina. I hate that I have to think about where I will stay, who I will inconvenience, when I come "home." This was compounded by the realization that 850 Connaught St. wasn't going to be part of my routine any more, especially if it gets sold. Oh the memories!! 2) Time will distance me from my Glen Elm family. I've become horrible at initiating contact and I will drift away from mentors, pillars from the older generation, and peers who have been intricately crucial to my life this last 2 years. The scariest part of drifting away from friends for me is my fear that they will doubt their importance to my life, which is the farthest thing from the truth. 3) The part of my foundation that was built on people in my life was crumbling as well; parents and friends who, for different reasons, were no longer going to be the spiritual support and encouragement I needed. Letting go when I felt like running towards them, being selfish, and holding on for dear life, really kicks me in the stomach!
After fighting these thoughts and feelings, Lynn's book really shook me up. It was even more emotion to read because Lynn is from Horse Creek, SK, and as he told stories about people from home and growing apart from Canada, it seemed so real to me. Mentions of JC Bailey, Mark Elford, Western Christian College, Miss Torkelson, and many others made me long for home. But the whole point that he continued to drive home chapter after chapter was that people and places are not our home. We cannot live a life longing for the way things were or desiring to be somewhere that we are not. Our life is about longing for a homeland in Heaven! These sad thoughts and struggles have been pushing me more and more to realize that my relationship with God is the most important. Knowing that He will never let me down and my reward with Him will be better than anything in this life is where my focus needs to be!
I wish I could type out a quote from the book, but I lent it out. So here are a few reminders from scripture.
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6
11Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives 12as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming.[b]That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. 13But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness. 14So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him." 2 Peter 3

Regina/ WCC/ Glen Elm friends and family- Know that I love you all, I always will, and nothing will change how important you are to me. You hold a special spot in my heart.