Saturday, May 13, 2006

The Age Old Debate- Art or Sin?

Most of you should know where I stand on this question, but for many in my fair state of O.K.L.A.H.O.M.A. (sing it!) this has been a hot topic, full of controversy, these last few weeks.
Click on this blog title and check it out! (Britt, if you read this, this is for you!)


jerms said...

definitely sin
its in leviticus

Anonymous said...

It may be in Leviticus, but Christians are not under the Law anymore. Read Acts 15:7-30. It's not on the list.If it were, a lot of "barbarians" (Celts, Roman slaves, etc.) would not have been able to come into the Kingdom.

.manda. said...

who is "anonymous" of above? clearly you don't know jeremy. or you are being just as sarcastic as he was. chill... (was that dave?)