Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Job Searching

For myself, I continued to look for an Admissions job. Due to being restricted by my visa, this is the only option for me at this point. I had an interview at Missouri Baptist University, then just a few weeks ago, another one at LU near my house. After the Director called me back from MBU and told me they had hired someone internal, Caleb and I just had to believe that God was not sending a job my way because we were not going to be staying in St. Louis.
Caleb's job search was accelerated early in January when Southeast CofC in Aurora, CO called to schedule a phone interview. Before the end of January, we had plane tickets in hand for the two of us to fly out there for a weekend long interview. I will skip all the details of the LLLOOONNNGGG interview process but we can back from CO Feb. 11th just waiting to see what God was going to bring because we really had no idea.
Within the last few days of February, Caleb and I made our decision. The job at Southeast was offered to him and we decided to accepted. We needed it to be then so I could give sufficient notice to my landlady and hope to not incur more cost that we couldn't afford. With many tears and sadness, we told DPcC that we would be leaving at the end of March for a new ministry opportunity.
We are excited and so grateful for what God is providing through this opportunity. It's going to be a hard few weeks. I ask for prayers from anyone who might read this as we prepare to leave teens and families that have been impacted greatly by Caleb's work over the last 15 months. There will be new challenges and frustrations as they learn to continue to grow and become who God wants them to be without the direct care or guidance from a youth minister. Maybe I will share some of their stories later, but for now I need to get upstairs to see how "my kids" are doing with their schoolwork :) I'll leave you with this picture. (click on title of this blog) We are so thankful to God for these moments that we have been able to share with teens these last few weeks. There is a peace that our work here is truly fruitful and finished.


Jill Slywka said...

thanks for all the updates. it's good to hear what's been going on with you! i feel like it's been forever since i've seen you ... probably because it has been a really long time! hopefully i'll get to see you at some point this summer. miss you.

Anonymous said...

hey amanda,

I appreciate hearing your latest news too, it sure sounds like you've been through alot in the last few months! praise God for his faithfulness through it all. and how exciting to be moving to colorado! we are facing similar challenges with job searching and really wondering where God wants us...we are in Rochester, Minn right now and although it's not crystal clear, are planning to be here for awhile now. it's just weird when God doesn't answer prayers in an obvious way, we're always questioning if we're really where God wants us, etc etc. faith building! it's encouraging to read of your trust and reminds me that things do come together in the end.

see ya,