I had also received an interview at a local, private University close to my house about mid December. I felt so excited about how it had gone that I was anxiously waiting for that return phone call to offer my a job. This would have been amazing because of it's location, standards and morals of the University, and I would have been back working with families and freshman who are excited about what the world has to offer them. Alas, that phone call did not come.....
During this time, Caleb found out from the elders at church that their financial situation had not seemed to mend itself and they were running out of money in his salary fund. This money would be gone by the end of March. He was quick to tell them that, despite the fact that his priority would be to stay at DPcC longer to continue the ministry he had worked hard for, he needed to think long term as we were looking towards our wedding and family. So he began to look for youth ministry jobs elsewhere.
Christmas arrived! It was such an amazing, fun, goofy, rewarding, and assuring time! Curly and Trissa picked us up at the airport in Dallas and we made the most of our 5 days with family. We went to Abilene, where I was inducted into the Lutrell family, Pecos to meet and hang out with the extended Cox family, and back to Brownwood for Christmas with Caryn, Dale, and Kristi. It was amazing to be in the new house in May (that's the town), and enjoy time away from the city. I felt truly blessed to be entering into this family.

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